Portada » Kawasaki Robotics at automatica: Smart, Safe and Sustainable Automation

Kawasaki Robotics at automatica: Smart, Safe and Sustainable Automation

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Kawasaki Robotics EMEA will be present at the automatica fair (Hall 5 Stand 320) from June 27 to 30, 2023 in Munich showcasing the latest innovations in smart, safe and sustainable automation with precise and cutting-edge solutions for current and future challenges.

Green Robotics Area

The green robotics area will demonstrate how industry-leading performance is combined with the highest possible energy efficiency, without compromise: the latest BXP210L will drive the prototype of the new electric Kawasaki Z EV and will be powered and operated by the new F0X controller.

Innovative technology makes it possible to operate even this powerful multipurpose industrial robot with impressive energy efficiency. 100% performance with 20% less power consumption compared to the best on the robotics market today. Partner Bahmüller’s Flex Feed cell will further demonstrate our leading energy efficiency with our RS series robots

Cobot Area

The Cobot Area will present the official world premiere of the Kawasaki Robotics CL Series: 50 years of robotics expertise and leading technology made in Japan meet automation innovation made in Germany. The CL series offers industrial scale performance and speed, IP66 protection, full connectivity and maximum precision together with all the advantages of collaborative robotics. Three demo apps will allow our visitors to experience and test what our Cobots can do for themselves: handling, palletizing, arc welding, and even an interactive miniature golf course.


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